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Origin-EA, 1559[^]30274-DIGITAL Star Wars Battlefront

Feeling the ominous thud of an AT-AT stomping down on the frozen tundra of Hoth. Rebel forces firing
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Origin-EA, 1559[^]30274-DIGITAL Star Wars Battlefront
Feeling the ominous thud of an AT-AT stomping down on the frozen tundra of Hoth. Rebel forces firing blasters as Imperial speeder bikes zip through the lush forests of Endor. Intense dogfights between squadrons of X-wings and TIE fighters filling the skies. Immerse yourself in the epic Star WarsTM battles you�ve always dreamed of and create new heroic moments of your own in Star Wars� Battlefront�.Fight for the Rebellion or Empire in a wide variety of multiplayer matches for up t

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